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Timeline of battles between 1453 and 1860

Naval battles of the French Revolutionary Wars

Naval battles of the Napoleonic Wars

Timeline of the Napoleonic era


  • Anglo-Spanish War (1796–1808)
  • Anglo-Turkish War (1807–09)
  • Anglo-Russian War (1807–12)
  • Anglo-Swedish War (1810–12)



    Corsica administered by the Genoese Bank of Saint George

    The island had major strategic importance, as it was located on the sea route between Spain and Italy, which was vital for the Holy Roman Empire

    1553 Invasion of Corsica (1553) in 1559 the French returned Corsica to Genoa.  
    1760 France loses Canada in the Conquest of 1760  
    1768 - 1769

    French conquest of Corsica

    Corsican Republic was occupied by French forces under the command of the Comte de Vaux.

    1775-1783 American Revolutionary War  
    1776 2 August 1776 Declaration of independence  

    Virginia Declaration of Rights (United States, 1776)  a document drafted in 1776 to proclaim the inherent rights of men, including the right to reform or abolish "inadequate" government. It influenced a number of later documents, including the United States Declaration of Independence (1776), the United States Bill of Rights (1789), and the French Revolution's Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789)

    1776 to 1785 Benjamin Franklin served as the American ambassador to France  
    1779 24 June 1779 – 7 February 1783 Great Siege of Gibraltar  
    1781 British forces moved through Virginia and settled at Yorktown, but their escape was blocked by a French naval victory in September. Led by Count Rochambeau and Washington, a combined Franco-American army launched a siege at Yorktown and captured more than 8,000 British troops in October 5 Sep Battle of the Chesapeake

    In October 1781, a plan had been worked out between Admiral Comte de Grasse, commander of the French fleet in the West Indies, and Francisco Saavedra de Sangronis, General Bureau for the Spanish Indies, court representative and aide to the Spanish Governor of Louisiana, Bernardo de Gálvez. The strategic objectives of the Franco-Spanish military forces in the West Indies in this plan were:

  • to aid the Americans and defeat the British naval squadron at New York
  • to capture the British Windward Islands and
  • to conquer Jamaica
  • 9-12 Apr Battle of the Saintes

    19 Battle of the Mona Passage on 19 April.


    October 28: Naloleon graduates from Ecole Militaire with the rank of second lieutenant in the artillery.

    November 3: Stationed in Valence


    Constitutional Convention (United States)

    The Philadelphia Convention took place from May 14 to September 17, 1787, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


    5 May 1789 French Revolution

    14 July 1789 Storming of the Bastille

    26 August 1789 the Assembly published the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, which comprised a statement of principles rather than a constitution with legal effect.

    éclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen

    Lafayette helped write the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, with the assistance of Thomas Jefferson. He was a close friend of George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and Thomas Jefferson


    Committee of Revisions, was struck September 1790



    27 Aug Declaration of Pillnitz

    3 Sep French Constitution of 1791


    1792-1797  War of the First Coalition

    Louis XVI reluctantly declared war on Austria on 20 April 1792 bowing to the assembly's wishes. Prussia allied with Austria

    29 April engagement near Lille

    25 July of the Brunswick Manifesto Louis XVI received a copy and agreed. 

    10 Aug Storming of the Tuileries

    The Legislative Assembly suspended the monarchy on 11 August after the Storming of the Tuileries Palace

    3 Sep Constitution adopted

    20 Sep the Battle of Valmy

    21 Sep Republic proclaimed

    22 September 1792 to 2 November 1795, the French Republic was governed by the National Convention, whose president (elected from within for a 14-day term)

    3 December trial of Louis XVI



    21 January 1793 execution of Louis XVI

    February 1793 the newly formed French Republic declared war on Great Britain

    18 Mar defeat at Neerwinden

    December 22: For his brilliant tactical command (although a subordinate officer, he was widely credited for the victory) at an internal French battle at Toulon, Napoleon receives the new rank of brigadier general

    25 May Capture of San Pietro and Sant'Antioco

    Action of 18 June 1793

    Action of 31 July 1793

    5 Oct Raid on Genoa

    Action of 20 October 1793

    Action of 24 October 1793

    evacuation of Toulon in December 1793

    1794-1706 Anglo-Corsican Kingdom  


    August 9–20: Napoleon is imprisoned under suspicion of being a Jacobin and a supporter of Robespierre.

    Jul-Aug 1794 Siege of Calvi

    2 Jan-9 Feb Sunda Strait campaign of January 1794

    28-29Jan Capture of Fort-Dauphin (1794)

    Action of 23 April 1794

    Atlantic campaign of May 1794

    Action of 5 May 1794

    Action of 7 May 1794

    Frigate action of 29 May 1794

    The Glorious First of June, 1 June 1794

    Action of 8 June 1794

    17 Jun Battle of Mykonos

    Action of 21 October 1794

    22 Oct Battle of Île Ronde

    Action of 6 November 1794

    Dec-Feb 1795 Croisière du Grand Hiver


    5 Oct Royalist 13 Vendémiaire rising put down by Napoleon

    2 Nov until 10 Nov 1799, a period commonly known as the "Directory era". collective leadership of five directors, it preceded the Consulate established in a coup d'etat by Napoleon.

    October: Royalist 13 Vendémiaire rising put down by Napoleon. Barras helps Napoleon win promotion to Commander of the Interior.

    October 15: At the home of Paul François Barras, a Directory member, Napoleon meets Rose de Beauharnais (Josephine)

    2 November: Directory established

    Action of 14 February 1795

    Action of 8 March 1795

    14 March Battle of Genoa (1795)

    Action of 10 April 1795

    16-17 Jun 1795 Cornwallis's Retreat

    23 Jun Battle of Groix

    Action of 24 June 1795

    13 Jul Battle of Hyères Islands

    Action of 22 August 1795

    Action of 7 October 1795


    March 2: Napoleon is given command of the French army in Italy

    March 11: Italian campaign against Austria begins

    May 10: Napoleon wins the Battle of Lodi

    19 Aug Treaty of San Ildefonso, Spain becomes an alley of France

    October 19, 1796, the French reconquered Bastia and Corsica became a French département.

    November 17: Napoleon wins the Battle of Arcole

    Action of 12 May 1796

    Action of 31 May 1796

    Atlantic raid of June 1796

    17 Aug Capitulation of Saldanha Bay

    28 Aug-5 Sep Newfoundland expedition

    Action of 9 September 1796

    Action of 13 October 1796

    Action of 19 December 1796

    Dec 1796 Expédition d'Irlande


    January 14: Napoleon wins the Battle of Rivoli

    October 17: Treaty of Campo-Formio with Austria.

    December 5: Napoleon returns to Paris as a hero

    Action of 13 January 1797 Indefatigable, Amazon, Droits de l'Homme

    Action of 25 January 1797

    28 jan Bali Strait Incident

    14 Feb Battle of Cape St Vincent (1797)

    15-21 Apr Battle of Jean-Rabel

    Action of 26 April 1797

    Jun-Jul Assault on Cádiz (1797)0

    22-25 Jul Battle of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (1797)

    11 Oct Battle of Camperdown

    1798-1800 Quasi-War (an undeclared war fought almost entirely at sea between the United States of America and the French Republic).
    1798-1802 War of the Second Coalition


    May 19: Napoleon begins his Egyptian campaign with an army of 38,000

    July 21: Wins Battle of the Pyramids against Mamelukes in Egypt

    July 24: Fall of Cairo

    August 2: Under the command of Admiral Nelson, the British fleet destroys the French navy in the Battle of the Nile. Napoleon's army is cut off from supplies and communication.

    Jan Raid on Manila (1798)

    21 Apr Battle of the Raz de Sein

    7 May Battle of the Îles Saint-Marcouf

    Action of 30 May 1798

    Action of 27 June 1798

    Action of 30 June 1798

    Action of 15 July 1798

    1-3 Aug Battle of the Nile

    Action of 18 August 1798

    3-10 Sep Battle of St. George's Caye

    12 Oct Battle of Tory Island

    Action of 24 October 1798

    Action of 14 December 1798


    August 23: Receiving news of turmoil in France, Napoleon relinquishes command in Egypt and returns to Paris, a so-called Coup d’état

    27 Aug-7 Nov Anglo-Russian Invasion of Holland

    November 9–10: Coup of Brumaire Napoleon overthrows the Directory.

    The Consulate 1799-1804

    December 12: Napoleon elected First Consul of the Consulate.

    Action of 19 January 1799

    27 Jan Macau Incident (1799)

    Action of 6 February 1799

    Action of 9 February 1799 (South Africa)

    Action of 28 February 1799

    Action of 18 June 1799

    Action of 7 July 1799

    30 Aug Vlieter Incident

    Action of 16 October 1799

    25 Oct Cutting out of the Hermione

    11 Dec Battle of Port Louis


    June 14: Battle of Marengo.

    1 Oct Third Treaty of San Ildefonso

    December 24: Napoleon escapes an assassination attempt

    18 Feb Battle of the Malta Convoy (1800)

    Action of 31 March 1800

    Action of 7 April 1800

    7 Jul Raid on Dunkirk (1800)

    Action of 4 August 1800

    Action of 10 December 1800


    February 9: Treaty with Austria signed at Lunéville: Treaty of Lunéville.

    Concordant of 1801.

    July 8: Battle of Algeciras.

    Jan, Mar, Apr Ganteaume's expeditions of 1801

    Action of 19 February 1801

    8 Mar Landing of a 17,500-strong army and its equipment at Abu Qir

    2 Apr Battle of Copenhagen (1801)

    Action of 6 May 1801

    Action of 24 June 1801

    June-July 1801 Algeciras Campaign

    6 July 1801 First Battle of Algeciras

    12 July 1801 Second Battle of Algeciras

    19 Aug Battle of Mahé

    aug Raids on Boulogne


    March 25: Treaty of Amiens.

    May 1: Napoleon restructures French educational system.

    May 19: Legion of Honour established.

    August 2: New constitution adopted, plebiscite confirms Napoleon as First Consul for life.


    1803-1806 War of the Third Coalition
    18803-1805  Napoleon's planned invasion of the United Kingdom


    May 3: Napoleon sells the Louisiana territory to the U.S.A.

    May 18: Britain declares war on France.

    May 26: France invades Hanover.

    Royal Navy blockade of the French ports (1803)

    Royal Navy blockade of the Spanish ports (1803)

    Expedition to Surinam

    Action of 28 June 1803

    28 June 1803 Blockade of Saint-Domingue

    Linois's expedition to the Indian Ocean

    1803 Diamond Rock


    March 21: Introduction of the Civil Code (also known as Napoleon Code).

    May: Napoleon proclaimed Emperor by the Senate.

    December 2: Napoleon crowns himself Emperor, in the company of the Pope.

    Feby. 15th. 1804 Linois's expedition to the Indian Ocean

    15 February 1804 Battle of Pulo Aura

    15 September 1804 Battle of Vizagapatam

    Oct 1804 Raid on Boulogne

    Action of 5 October 1804


    October 19: Battle of Ulm.

    October 30: Battle of Caldiero.

    December 2: Battle of Austerlitz.

    31 May and 2 June 1805 Battle of Diamond Rock

    Action of 15 July 1805

    Action of 10 August 1805

    4 November 1805 Battle of Cape Ortegal

    Allemand's expedition of 1805

    Allemand's escape from Lorient

    Anglo-Russian invasion of Naples

    West Indies islands campaign

    21 October 1805 Battle of Trafalgar

    October 21: Battle of Trafalgar.,Admiral Lord Nelson Killed.

    1805 The Trafalgar campaign

    1805-1806 L'Hermite's expedition

    1805 campaign of the sea lanes (1805–1810)

    Basque Roads operation

    French commerce raiding campaign of 1805

    Battle of Cape Finisterre (1805)



    March 30: Napoleon names his brother, Joseph Bonaparte, king of Naples, and appoints other family members to various other posts.

    July 12: Confederation of the Rhine, Napoleon as ‘protector’. Initially had 16 member states, later others added, including kingdoms of Saxony and Westphalia.

    Holy Roman Empire abolished.

    September 15: Prussia joins Britain and Russia against Napoleon.

    October 14: Battle of Jena and Battle of Auerstadt.

    November 21: The Berlin Decree (1806), which initiated the Continental System was issued.

    Feb-Jul 1806 Lamellerie's expedition

    6 February 1806 Battle of San Domingo

    Atlantic campaign of 1806

    Action of 13 March 1806

    Action of 21 April 1806

    Action of 9 July 1806

    Action of 26 July 1806

    Action of 23 August 1806

    Action of 25 September 1806

    Action of 18 October 1806

    Adriatic islands campaign of 1806

    Java campaign of 1806–1807

    Java campaign of 1806–07

    Raid on Batavia (1806)

    Buenos Aires operation of 1806

    Escape of the Portuguese fleet


    Gunboat War was the naval conflict between Denmark–Norway and the British Navy

    Peninsular War a military conflict between Napoleon's empire and the allied powers of Spain, Britain and Portugal for control of the Iberian Peninsula


    February 8: Battle of Eylau.

    June 14: Battle of Friedland.

    June 25: Treaty of Tilsit signed between Russia and France.

    October : Napoleon and Spain divide Portugal through a secret treaty.

    14 February 1807 Raid on Samaná

    Dardanelles Operation

    Battle of the Dardanelles (1807)

    1 October 1807 Capture of the Jeune Richard

    Alexandria expedition of 1807

    Gunboat War destruction of the Danish navy

    5–11 December 1807 Raid on Griessie


    March 17: Imperial University established.

    May 2: Spanish people rise up against France. Often referred to as Dos de Mayo Uprising.

    July 7: Joseph crowned King of Spain, after Portugal revolts against the Continental System/Blockade Napoleon had put in place. Napoleon collected 5 armies to advance into Portugal and 'bullied' the Spanish royal family into resigning.

    Peninsular War.

    Action of 4 April 1808

    April 28, 1808 Battle of Furuholm

    14 June 1808 Capture of the Rosily Squadron

    Action of 10 November 1808

    British landing in Portugal (1808)

    Evacuation of the La Romana Division

    Capture of the Rosily Squadron

    Royal Navy supply of Prussian fortresses (Baltic Sea)

    1809 War of the Fifth Coalition


    April 19: Battle of Raszyn.

    May 22: Battle of Aspern-Essling - First defeat of Napoleon in 10 years.

    July 5–6: Battle of Wagram - Success for Napoleon, Austria loses territory and must enforce the Continental System.

    October 14: Treaty of Schönbrunn signed.

    December 14: Public announcement of Napoleon's divorce from Joséphine.

    Action of 22 January 1809

    February 1809 Troude's expedition to the Caribbean

    Action of 10 February 1809

    23 February 1809

    Linked toEmperor Napoléon I Bonaparte; Capt. Daniel Olivier Guion; Capt. Gardiner Henry Guion

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