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        Byzantine emperors


Constantinian dynasty (306-363)

      Emperor from
  Constantine "the Great"
(Gaius Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus)
25 July 306
Proclaimed "Augustus" upon the death of Constantius Chlorus
  Constantius II
 (Flavius Iulius Constantius)
22 May 337
Inherited Eastern third of Roman Empire upon his father's death
  Julian "the Apostate"
(Flavius Claudius Iulianus)
5 October 361
Proclaimed by his army in Gaul, became legitimate Emperor upon the death of Constantius

Non-dynastic (363-364)

Ιοβιανός ( Flavius Claudius Iovianus )
28 June 363
Elected by the army upon Julian's death

Valentinian-Theodosian dynasty (364-457)

  Valentinian I
( Flavius Valentinianus )
26 February 364
Elected by the army upon Jovian's death
( Flavius Iulius Valens )
28 March 364
Appointed by his brother
( Flavius Gratianus )
9 August 378
Inherited rule of the East upon the death of Valens
  Theodosius I "the Great"
 ( Flavius Theodosius )
19 January 379
Appointed by Gratian
( Flavius Arcadius )
17 January 395
Upon the death of Theodosius I
  Theodosius II
( Flavius Theodosius )
  1 May 408
Upon the death of Arcadius
( Aelia Pulcheria )
  28 July 450
Upon the death of Theodosius II
( Flavius Valerius Marcianus )
Upon his marriage to Pulcheria

Leonid dynasty (457-518)

  Leo I "the Thracian"
(Flavius Valerius Leo )
  7 February 457
Chosen by Aspar, commander-in-chief of the army
  Leo II
( Flavius Leo )
  18 January 474
Succeeded his grandfather Leo I
( Flavius Zeno )
(Born Tarasicodissa)
  Co-emperor: 9 February 474
Appointed by his son Leo II
Sole Emperor: 17 November 474
Succeeded upon the death of Leo II
( Flavius Basiliscus )
  9 January 475
Seized power from Zeno
  Zeno, restored
( Flavius Zeno ) (Born Tarasicodissa)
  restored August 476
Having deposed Basiliscus
  Anastasius I
( Flavius Anastasius )
  11 April 491
Chosen by Ariadne, widow of Zeno

Justinian dynasty (518-602)

  Justin I
 (Flavius Iustinus )
  July 518
Elected by army and people upon the death of Anastasius I
  Justinian I the Great
(Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus)
  1 August 527
Inherited the throne on the death of Justin I
  Justin II
 (Flavius Iustinus Iunior)
  14 November 565
Inherited the throne on the death of Justinian I
  Tiberius II Constantine
 (Flavius Tiberius Constantinus)
  5 October 578
Became full Emperor on the death of Justin II
(Flavius Mauricius Tiberius)
  14 August 582
Succeeded upon the death of his father-in-law Tiberius II

Non-dynastic (602-610)

(Flavius Phocas )
  November 602
Seized power in a rebellion against Maurice

Heraclian dynasty (610-711)

Heraclius (Flavius Heraclius)
  5 October 610
Seized power in a rebellion against Phocas

Constantine III
Herakleios Néos Kōnstantinos

Heraclius Novus Constantinus

  11 February 641
Succeeded to throne with Heraklonas following death of Herakleios
(Kōnstantinos Herakleios) Heraclianus
  11 February 641
Succeeded to throne with Constantine III following death of Herakleios
  Constans II
born Herakleios Constantine
(Herakleios Kōnstantinos);
called "Constantine the Bearded" Constans II
(Constantus II)
Made co-Emperor by Hereklonas, sole emperor in that same year
  Mezezius   668
  Constantine IV
(Kōnstantinos) Constantine
  15 September 668
succeeded following murder of Constans II
  Justinian II   Co-emperor in 681, sole emperor in 685.
  Leontios   695
  Tiberios III   698
  Justinian II   705

Non-dynastic (711-717)

  Philippikos   December, 711
  Anastasios II   June 713
  Theodosios III   May 715

Isaurian dynasty (717-802)

  Leo III the Isaurian   25 March 717
  Constantine V   Co-ruler in 720, senior ruler in 741
  Artabasdos   Rival emperor from June 741/2
  Leo IV the Khazar   Co-ruler in 751, senior ruler in 775
  Constantine VI   Co-ruler in 776, sole emperor in 780
  Irene of Athens   August 797

Nikephoros' dynasty (802-813)

  Nikephoros I   31 October 802
  Staurakios   Co-ruler in 803, senior ruler in 811
  Michael I Rangabe   2 October 811

Non-dynastic (813-820)

  Leo V the Armenian   11 July 813

Phrygian dynasty (820-867)

  Michael II the Stammerer or the Amorian   25 December 820
  Theophilus   2 October 829
  Theodora   842
  Michael III the Drunkard   842

Macedonian dynasty (867-1056)

  Basil I the Macedonian   867
  Leo VI the Wise   886
  Alexander   912
  Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos   15 May 908
  Romanos I Lekapenos   17 December 920
  Romanos II Porphyrogennetos   November 959
  Nikephoros II Phokas   16 August 963
  John I Tzimiskes   11 December 969
  Basil II the Bulgar-Slayer   10 January 976
  Constantine VIII   15 December 1025
  Zoe   15 November 1028
  Romanos III Argyros   15 November 1028
  Michael IV the Paphlagonian   11 April 1034
  Michael V the Caulker   10 December 1041
  Theodora   20 April 1042
  Constantine IX Monomachos   11 June 1042
  Theodora   11 January 1055

Non-dynastic (1056-1057)

  Michael VI   September, 1056

Komnenid dynasty (1057-1059)

  Isaac I Komnenos   5 June 1057 as rival emperor, sole emperor since 31 August 1057

Doukid dynasty (1059-1081)

  Constantine X Doukas   24 November 1059
  Michael VII Doukas Quarter-short   22 May 1067
  Romanos IV Diogenes   1067
  Nikephoros III Botaneiates   31 March 1078

Komnenid dynasty (1081-1185)

  Alexios I Komnenos   4 April 1081
  John II Komnenos   1118
  Manuel I Komnenos   1143
  Alexios II Komnenos   1180
  Andronikos I Komnenos   1183

Angelid dynasty (1185-1204)

  Isaac II Angelos   1185
  Alexios III Angelos   1195
  Isaac II Angelos   1203
  Alexios IV Angelos   1203
  Nikolaos Kanabos   25 January 1204
  Alexios V Doukas   5 February 1204

Laskarid dynasty (Empire of Nicaea, 1204-1261)

  Constantine Laskaris   Claimant emperor in 1204
  Theodore I Laskaris   proclaimed 1205, crowned 1208
  John III Doukas Vatatzes   December, 1221
  Theodore II Laskaris   proclaimed 4 November 1254 crowned 1255
  John IV Laskaris   18 August 1258

Palaiologan Dynasty (restored to Constantinople, 1261-1453)

  Michael VIII Palaiologos   1 January 1259 as co-emperor, senior emperor since 25 December 1261
  Andronikos II Palaiologos   nominal co-emperor in September, 1261, crowned in 1272. Senior emperor on 11 December 1282
  Michael IX Palaiologos   co-emperor in 1281, crowned in 1294/1295.
  Andronikos III Palaiologos   co-emperor in 1316, rival emperor since July, 1321. Senior emperor on 24 May 1328.
  John V Palaiologos   Emperor in 15 June 1341
  John VI Kantakouzenos   rival emperor on 26 October 1341, senior emperor on 8 February 1347.
  Matthew Kantakouzenos   co-emperor on 15 April 1353, rival emperor since 4 December 1354.
  John V Palaiologos   co-emperor in 1347, rival emperor in 1352. Senior Emperor on 4 December 1354
  Andronikos IV Palaiologos   co-emperor c. 1352, Senior Emperor on 12 August 1376
  John V Palaiologos   Senior Emperor on 1 July 1379
  John VII Palaiologos   Co-emperor from 1376 to 1379, senior emperor on 14 April 1390
  John V Palaiologos   Senior Emperor on 17 September 1390
  Manuel II Palaiologos   Co-emperor in 1373, Senior Emperor on 16 February 1391
  Andronikos V Palaiologos   co-emperor c. 1403
  John VIII Palaiologos   Co-emperor c. 1416, sole emperor on 21 July 1425
  Constantine XI   6 January 1449

Palaiologan Dynasty (claimants in exile)

  Demetrios Palaiologos   1453
  Thomas Palaiologos   1453
  Andreas Palaiologos   12 May 1465


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