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'Hamilton06'Index / Letter
Families covered: Hamilton of Airdrie, Hamilton of Fingalton, Hamilton of Preston

Sir John Hamilton of Rossaven (Lanarkshire) & Fingalton (Renfrewshire) (b before 1365?, d c1402)
(1) Anderson shows the first Sir John of this line as 2 generations earlier than is believed to be correct and then inserts 2 additional generations of Sir Johns before this Sir John. Of the first Sir John, Anderson reports that his "matrimonial connexions are doubtful", disregarding suggestions (by Crawfurd) that he married a dau of Sir Robert de Cruck of Cruckston. Of the 2nd Sir John, Anderson supports Crawfurd's suggestion that he married Margaret, dau of Sir William Baillie of Hoprig. Of the 3rd Sir John, Anderson supports the suggestion that he probably married a younger sister of Janet, dau/coheir of Sir William Keith of Galston.
(2) This Sir John's 2 wives are consistently reported as below. However, it is not clear which wife was mother of his children. As his elder son James inherited Preston, we assume that James's mother was ...
m1. Jane Lyddell (dau/heir of Sir James Lyddell of Preston)
1. Sir James Hamilton of Fingalton & Preston (East Lothian) (d before 1460)
  m. Agnes Hamilton (dau of Sir James Hamilton of Cadzow, sister of James, 1st Lord)
  A. Sir Robert Hamilton of Fingalton & Preston (d 1489)
  m. Margaret Johnstone (dau of Sir John Johnstone of Johnstone)
  i. Sir Robert Hamilton of Fingalton & Preston (d before 1522)
Other than to identify him as a descendant of the Sir John shown at the top of the page, Robert is the first mentioned by BP1934. It is thought (by reference to the dates of his children's activities) that all or at least most of Robert's children were of his first marriage which was to ...
  m1. Margaret Mowat (dau (sb sister?) of Sir John Mowat of Stonehouse)
  a. Robert Hamilton of Preston
  m. Katherine Tweedie (dau of James Tweedie of Drummelzier)
  (1) James Hamilton (dvpsp 30.04.1520)
  (2) Sir David Hamilton of Preston (d 28.11.1584)
m. (before 1545) Janet Baillie (dau of Sir William (sb Andrew?) Baillie of Lamington)
  (A) George Hamilton of Preston (d 1608)
  m. (06.1563) Barbara Cockburn (d by 11.1611, dau of Sir John Cockburn of Ormiston)
  (i) Sir John Hamilton of Preston (b 1565, d 05.1644)
  m1. (c1587) Johanna Otterburn (d 30.09.1619, dau of Sir John Otterburn of Redhall)
(a) Sir James Hamilton of Fingalton & Preston (b 1589, d 10.1644)
  m. (1609) Barbara Mure (dau of Robert Mure of Caldwell)
  ((1)) Robert Hamilton (dvpsp 1632)
  m. (25.08.1629) Anne Henryson (dau of Sir Thomas Henryson of Chesters)
  ((2)) John Hamilton of Preston (dsp 02.1647)
  m1. (01.09.1633) Anne Dalzell (dau of Robert Dalzell, Earl of Carnwath)
  m2. (26.10.1641) Margaret Seton (dau of Sir John Seton of St. Germans)
  ((3)) Jane or Margaret Hamilton
  m. Robert Montgomery of Haslehead
  ((4)) Anne Hamilton
  m. Sir Thomas Hamilton of Preston & Fingalton (d 1672) @@ below
  (b) Robert Hamilton of Sauchtonbarne, later of Preston (b 1600, d 11.1648, Colonel)
  m1. (03.1628) Elizabeth Otterburne (dau of Thomas Otterburne of Ridhall, cousin)
  m2. (100.1632) Agnes Lumisdaine (dau of Robert Lumisdaine of Airdrie)
  (c) George Hamilton (b 1601, d Magdeburgh 1632)
  m2. (sp) Catharine Howison (d 1629)
  m3. (01.1632) Helen Lumisdaine (dau of James Lumisdaine of Airdrie, relict of Sir Archibald Douglas of Whittingham)
  partner unknown
  (d) George Hamilton of Cairnes (b before 1587, d 08.04.1677, minister of Newburn then Pittenweem)
  The following comes from 'AndersonMemoirs' ('Cairnes' (p253) & 'Mount Hamiltoin' (p325)) & 'HJHeraldry' (Hamilton, Cairnes (p116) & 'Mount Hamilton' (p116+)).
m1. (1624) Dorothea or Agnes Livingstone
  m2. Euphemia Douglas (d 28.01.1673)
  It is not clear which wife was mother of ...
  ((1)) George Hamilton (d 26.05.1712, minister in Edinburgh)
  m. Elizabeth Hay (d 02.10.1708, sister of Dr. John Hay of Conland)
  ((2)) Sir Robert Hamilton of Mount Hamilton (co. Armagh), 1st Bart (yd 1703, oungest son)
  TCB (vol 4, 'Hamilton of Mount Hamilton', p219) reports that Robert's "parentage is unknown"!
  m. (before 1673) Sarah Hamilton (dau/heir of Sir Hans Hamilton, Bart of Monella)
  ((A)) Sir Hans Hamilton of Hamilton's Bawn, 2nd Bart (b 1673, d 1729/30)
  m. (c1705) Jane Skeffington (dau of Clotworthy Skeffington, 3rd Viscount Massereene)
  ((i)) Anne Hamilton
  m. James Campbell, later Hamilton of London (b 1668-9, d 07.07.1749)
  ((3))+ other issue - George (d young?), John, William, Alexander
  (ii) James Hamilton of Darngabir & Burnbrae
  m. Margaret Inglis of Murdison
  (a)+ daughters
(iii) Robert Hamilton of Newhaven
  m. (11.1606) Janet Johnstone (dau of John Johnstone of Elphinstone)
  (a) Sir Thomas Hamilton of Preston & Fingalton (b 02.04.1618, d 1672)
  m1. (07.1638) Margaret Murray
  m2. (before 1645) Anne Hamilton (dau of Sir James Hamilton of Preston) @@ above
  ((1)) Sir William Hamilton, 1st Bart of Preston (b 1647)
  m. (1670) Rachel Nicolson (dau of Sir Thomas Nicolson of Cockburnspath)
  ((A)) Rachel Hamilton (b 03.1671, d unm before 1697)
  ((B)) Anne Hamilton (b 06.09.1672, d 04.05.1718)
  m1. (01.10.1697) Thomas Oswald (son of Sir James, cousin)
m2. (1705) Gilbert Burnet (son of Sir Thomas of Crimond, cuosin)
  ((C)) Janet Hamilton (b 08.09.1673)
  m. (29.08.1695) George Stirling of Lethem
  ((2)) Sir Robert (not David) Hamilton, 2nd Bart of Preston (b 1650, d unm 20.10.1701)
  ((3)) Janet Hamilton (b 02.06.1653, d 26.02.1696)
  m. (11/16.11.1676) Sir Alexander Gordon of Earlston, 2nd Bart (b 1650, d 1726)
  ((4)) Margaret Hamilton (b 1656, d 1689)
  m. (30.04.1682) Sir James Oswalkd (cousin)
  ((5)) Jane Hamilton (b 15.12.1659, d 1719)
m. (23.02.1688) Sir Thomas Young of Rosebank
  m3. (after 1662) Rachel Burnet (dau of Robert Burnet, Lord Crimond, relict of Sir Thomas Nicolson of Cockburnspath)
  (b) Margaret Hamilton
  m. (11.1640) John Aikenhead of Cairny
  (c) Mary Hamilton
  m. (10.1642) Robert Oswald
  (d) Alison Hamilton
  m. John Bennet of Liviland
  (iv) Joane Hamilton
  m1. (1594) Sir John Lindsay of Dunrod (d 1602)
  m2. Robert Williamson of Mureston
  (v) Helen Hamilton
  m. (07.1585) John Mure (son/heir of Robert Mure of Caldwell)
  (vi) Margaret Hamilton
  m. Andrew Hamilton of Lethame
  (vii) Alison Hamilton
  m. James Roberton of Earnock
  (viii) Mary Hamilton
  m. Robert Cockburn of Butterdeane (cousin)
  (ix)+ other issue (d unm before 1607) - David, George, Samuel
(B) Patrick Hamilton (d 02.04.1595, youngest son)
  m. Margaret Hamilton (dau of John Hamilton of Stanehouse, relict of Robert Hamilton of Mylneburne)
  (i) James Hamilton
  (C) Joane Hamilton
  m. John Hamilton of Stanehouse
  (D) Catherine Hamilton
  m. (1566) Robert Wallace (son/heir of Hew Wallace of Carnell)
  (E) Elizabeth Hamilton
  m. Robert Hamilton of Henchhead
  (F)+ other issue - Robert (d unm?), other sons (d unm or dspm - James, David, John, Alexander, William), Margaret, Jelis
  (3) Janet Hamilton
  m. John Hamilton of Broomhill
  (4) Giles Hamilton
  m. John Stewart, younger of Halcraig
b. John Hamilton, 1st of Airdrie (d Flodden 09.09.1513)
  The following is supported by 'AndersonMemoirs', 'HJHeraldry' (Hamilton, 'Airdrie', p117+) & TCB.
  m. Ellen/Helen Crawford (probably dau of Archibald Crawfurd of Ruelsulloch)
  (1) Methusalem Hamilton, 2nd of Airdrie (a 1564) this generation omitted by TCB
  m. Christian Bell
  (A) Gavin Hamilton, 3rd of Airdrie (d 1591, 2nd son)
  m. (1567) Isabella Roberton (dau of James Roberton of Earnock)
  We have photocopied extracts (pp704-705 & 707) from 'HamiltonHistory' which support some of the following (down to some of his grandson Gavin's family).
(i) John Hamilton, 4th of Airdrie (b 1569, d 1648)
  m. Janet Hamilton (dau of Robert Hamilton of Torrance)
  (a) John Hamilton (dvp 03.1641)
  m. (mcrt 08.06.1636) Margaret Hamilton (dau/sister of James/John Hamilton of Udston, m2. James Hamilton in Park of Bothwell)
  'AndersonMemoirs' & HJHeraldry report that John dvp but 'HamiltonHistory' mentions 2 daughters, albeit leaving it possible that they were daughters of Margaret's 2nd marriage to James Hamilton, being Jane (a 08.1652, mcrt 01.03.1659 with David Somervell of Blackrig), Margaret (a 08.1652).
  (b) Gavin Hamilton, 5th of Airdrie (d 29.06.1681/87)
  m. Jane Montgomery (dau of Robert Montgomery of Hazlehead by Jane, dau of Sir James Hamilton of Preston)
  ((1)) (Sir) Robert Hamilton of Airdrie, de jure '3rd Bart' (b 1650, d 18.01.1705)
  TCB reports that Robert was later identified as heir to the baronetcy of his cousin, Sir Robert Hamilton, 2nd Bart of Preston (see above). However, neither this Robert nor any of his immediate successors assumed the title. The first to assume the title was the 9th Bart (see below).
  m. (24.02.1680) Elizabeth Cochrane (dau of William Cochrane of Rochsoles)
  ((A)) (Sir) William Hamilton of Airdire, '4th Bart' (b 06.03.1681, d 25.05.1749, minister of Bothwell)
  m. (04.06.1713) Margaret Bogle (d 02.04.1773, dau of John Bogle of Sandyhills, sister/heir of Grizel & Martha)
  ((i)) (Sir) Robert Hamilton of Airdire, '5th Bart' (b 11.07.1714, d 09.08.1756)
  m. (27.04.1747) Mary Baird (dau of John Baird of Craigton)
  ((a)) (Sir) William Hamilton, '6th Bart' (b 06.06.1748, d unm 05.03.1770)
  ((b)) (Sir) John Hamilton, '7th Bart' (b 04.1751, d unm 1778 in the West Indies)
  ((c)) (Sir) Robert Hamilton, '8th Bart' (b 09.07.1754, d unm 08.06.1799)
  ((d)) Grizel Hamilton
  m. John Arnot
  ((e)) Mary Hamilton
  m. Thomas Cochrane (MD)
  ((ii)) John Hamilton
((a)) son(s) (d unm)
  ((iii)) James Hamilton
  ((a)) son(s) (d unm)
  ((iv)) Thomas Hamilton (b 01.10.1728, d 02.08.1781, professor in Glasgow)
  m. Isabel Anderson (dau of Dr. William Anderson)
  ((a)) William Hamilton (b 1753/60, d 1793, professor in Glasgow)
  m. Elizabeth Stirling (dau of William Stirling of Drumpellier)
  (((1))) Sir William Hamilton, 9th Bart (b 1788, d 06.05.1856, professor in Edinburgh) had issue
  m. (1829) Janet Marshall (d 24.12.1877, dau of Hubert Marshall)
  (((2))) Thomas Hamilton (b 1789, dsp 1842)
  m1. Annette Montomgery Campbelll (dau of Archibald Montgomery Campbell)
  m2. (15.02.1834) Maria Frances Geslip Latour (d 27.08.1875, widow of Sir Robert Townshend Farquhar, Bargt)
  (vi)) Elizabeth Hamiltonv
  m. Daniel St. Clair (minister of Longformacus)
  ((vi)) Louise Hamilton shown by BP1934 as of this generation
  m. James Balfour of Pilrig
  ((B)) Louisa Hamilton shown by Anderson as of this generation
  m. James Balfour of Pilrig
  ((2)) William Hamilton (b 1669, d 12.11.1732, Principal of Edinburgh University)
  m. (1696) Mary Robertson (b c1675, d 1760, dau or John Roberson of Glasgow)
  ((A))+ 9 sons (including William & Gavin) and 4 daughters
  (c) James Hamilton of Glasgow (d 10.1669) mentioned by 'HamiltonHistory' but not by Anderson or HJHeraldry
  m1. (29.12.1640) Elizabeth Hamilton (dau of Robert Hamilton of the Woodhall family)
  ((1))+ issue - John in Glasgow (b 1641, a 1667), Robert (b 1642, d young), James (b 1644), Robert (b 1646), Gawane (b 1647, d young), Jonet (b 1645)
  m2. Grizel Boyd
  ((7))+ other issue - George (b 1650), William (b 1651), Gawane (b 1651), Margaret (b 1653)
  (d) Walter Hamilton of Edinburgh (d 04.1667) mentioned by 'HamiltonHistory' but not by Anderson or HJHeraldry
m. Isobel Gray (whose sister m. John Clerk of Penycuik)
  ((1))+ issue - William, Isobel
  (e) Christian Hamilton
  m. James Baillle, younger of Polkemmet
  (f) Jane Hamilton
  m. John Fleming of Cardarroch
  (g) Janet Hamilton (b 1629, d 1656)
  m. (10.10.1651) William Lindsay of Caldersyde (a 1657)
  (h) Marion Hamilton (d 29.06.1665) mentioned by 'HamiltonHistory' but not by Anderson
  m. Malcolm Fleming of Cardaroch
  (ii) Christian Hamilton
  m. (mcrt 17.05.1589) Archibald Normount (minister of Avendale ,son/heir of Thomas)
  (iii)+ other issue - Gavin (dsp 25.07.1637), James (d unm 11.1613), Arihcbald
(B) Janet Hamilton
  m. James (cousin of Sir Robert Dalzell of that ilk)
  (C)+ other issue - John (dvp unm 1561), Gelis, Isabella, Agnes, other issue
  (2) William Hamilton
  c. James Hamilton
  d. David Hamilton of Langton & Olivestob (dsp c1560)
  m. Margaret Seton (dau of George, Lord Seton)
  e. Margaret Hamilton
  m. Robert Dalzell of that ilk (d 1549)
  m2. (before 1511) Marion Crichton (dau of Sir David Crichton of Cranstonriddell, relict of John Menzies of that ilk & Cutler, James Tweedy of Drumelzier & William Baillie of Wattiston (or Lamington?))
  m3. (1516) Helen Schaw (dau of Sir James Schaw of Sauchie, relict of Archibald Haliburton (Master of Haliburton), Andrew Stewart (1st Lord Avendale), Sir Patrick Hume of Polwarth, & Sir Patrick Hoiston of that ilk)
  ii. Sir Patrick Hamilton of Overmiddleton
  iii. James Hamilton (dsp before 1515)
  m. Margaret Weir of Clowburn
  B. Marjory (or Mary) Hamilton --
  m. James Hamilton of Cambuskeith --
  C. Margaret Hamilton
  m. (1445) William Somerville (son of William, 2nd Lord)
  D. Elizabeth (or Gelis) Hamilton possibly fits here
  m. William Dalzell of Dalzell & Elliok (d 09.1508)
m2. Anna Seton (dau of Sir William Seton of that ilk)
Not clear which wife was mother of ...
2. John Hamilton "founder of the family of Ellershaw, now extinct"
  'AndersonMemoirs' ('Ellershaw', p278+) reports that "it has been found impossible to procure a detailed genealogy of this branch" but mentions various of its members over the decades and reports "This family only failed towards the end of last century" (i.e. in the late 1700s).

Main source(s) (see here): 'AndersonMemoirs' ('Preston', p339+), 'HJHeraldry' (Hamilton, 'The Hamiltons of Preston', p114+), BP1934 ('Stirling-Hamilton of Preston') with some support from TCB (vol 4, 'Hamilton of Preston, later Stirling-Hamilton', p299+) and with further input/support as reported above
[There used to be a second section on this page. It was moved to Hamilton25 to facilitate expansion of both pages.]
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